What potential does a changing climate have to disrupt society? Already, potentially strong links have been found between increases in surface temperature and an increased presence of feelings of irritation, aggravation, and instances of interpersonal physical and emotional violence. Furthermore, as a result of drought, famine, and subsequent food shortages, researchers are predicting that a hotter climate may contribute to increases in civil conflict in the near future. These challenges, while robust, are manageable if we take immediate action toward restoring our Earth.
This section outlines the challenges presented to our societies by rapid environmental change. As you navigate these challenges, think about their implications for the future of your community.
- Climate Change and Health World Health Organization
- Climate Effects on Health CDC
- Climate Impacts on Human Health EPA
- Heat Related Deaths
- Heat Related Illness
- Lyme Disease
- West Nile Virus
- Climate & Conflict: Warmer World May be More Violent Climate Central
- Effects of Rapid Climate Change on Violence and Conflict Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science
- There's a surprisingly strong link between climate change and violence Washington Post
- Climate Change and Social Inequality United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- As the climate worsens, wealth inequality will, too Washington Post
- Why Housing Policy Is Climate Policy New York Times
1. How would you respond if the Earth was no longer able to provide us with space and resources?
2. When Disaster Strikes (10 Minutes)
For ten minutes, reflect on these questions and write out your answers: What would you prioritize in the midst of a climate emergency? What would you take with you? Who would you help? Who should be helped? Who would help you?
3. When you finish writing, share your responses with at least one other person.